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It's All About the Cars!

The Redline Era (1968-1977)

[ 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 ]
Hotwheels 1968 CUSTOM CAMARO, Hong Kong, redline, antifreeze spectraflame paint. Photo/Image (c)RMH 2006, all rights reserved.

Custom Camaro (1968)
This was one of the original 16 models produced in 1968. The easily recognizable Spectraflame paint was the result polishing the die-cast metal body, then applying a translucent coat of iridescent paint.

Hotwheels 1970 (Heavyweights) MOVING VAN,  redline, green spectraflame paint. Photo/Image (c)RMH 2006, all rights reserved.

Hotwheelstm The Heavyweightstm
Moving Van (1970)
In 1970-1971 Mattel released a series of vehicles called The Heavyweights as "NEW! FAST MOVIN' HARD WORKIN' HAULERS", the packaging listing Boss Styling! Working Parts! Exclusive SPRINGBAR(tm) Suspension! as some of the features.

[photo (c)rmh, Beatnik Bandit in Spectraflame Red]
Beatnik Bandit (Spectraflame Red)

[photo (c)rmh, Custom Volkswagon Spectraflame Red]
Custom Volkswagon (Spectraflame Red)

[photo (c)rmh, Twin Mill Spectraflame Orange]
Twin Mill (Spectraflame Orange)

[photo (c)rmh, Custom Mustang Spectraflame Gold]

[photo (c)rmh, Custom Mustang Spectraflame (#004) Gold]
Custom Mustang (Spectraflame Gold)

[photo (c)rmh, Boss Hoss, Chrome Cluib Car]
Boss Hoss (Chrome, Club Car)

[photo (c)rmh, HotWheels Redline Ferrari]
[photo (c)rmh, HotWheels Redline Bugeye]
[photo (c)rmh, HotWheels Redline Red Barron]
Red Barron
[photo (c)rmh, HotWheels Redline Paddy Wagon]
Paddy Wagon
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